About the Blueberry Woman

About the Blueberry Farm

Our blueberry field is part of our family farm in Hampton, Florida. Our farm is located on the Santa Fe River, near U.S. Highway 301, about 6 miles from the Waldo Flea Market, 20 miles northeast of Gainesville, and 13 miles southwest of Starke.

Blueberry Characteristics

Most of our rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium Ashei) bushes are around 30 years old. We have three different cultivars of rabbiteyes; each cultivar is subtly different from the others:

Our blueberries are pesticide-free. On our farm we try to observe practices that will not harm the environment. However, due to a couple of aggressive, invasive plant species, we are going to have to use an herbicide to get them under control. We use horse manure to fertilize the plants and we pull weeds by-hand and apply mulch to inhibit weed growth ... while removing destructive insects by-hand. Please wash your berries before using them.

Blueberries Cost for the 2024 Season

The 2024 season is over due to the extreme heat. Thank you!

Blueberry Woman
Blueberry Woman
10818 SW 90th Street
Hampton, FL 32044
Phone: (352) 225-1361

Website by CM