Contact Information and Directions

Contact Information and Directions

If you would like to send us a message, ask a question, provide us with feedback, etc, please use the form below. We'll contact you within a couple days during normal business hours. Thank you!

Blueberry Woman
10818 SW 90th Street
Hampton, FL 32044
Phone: (352) 225-1361

Blueberries Season 2024

The 2024 season is over due to the extreme heat. Thank you!

Driving Directions from Gainesville, FL (20 miles)

Driving Directions from Starke, FL (13 miles)

Send Us a Message

Use the form below to email us:

Blueberry Woman
Blueberry Woman
10818 SW 90th Street
Hampton, FL 32044
Phone: (352) 225-1361

Website by CM